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by Diane Zevos
We are still here....because of YOU!
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We have been playing gigs since 1981 and as we have been reworking our identity since Johns cancer these past few years, I have had many people say to me "Remember when you played on Wednesdays at La Cantina........LOVED those old times!! And many similar statements like that. We are all thankful for what we still have and we treasure our time to share with our friends. So I have been thinking of doing something like this page for a while now and this is the beginning of it. Probably not every week, but on a regular basis.

On August 9, 1995, the music icon Jerry Garcia passed away. It was a hard reality to accept and was felt by the huge community of followers of The Grateful Dead. The next night at O'Donnell's, we all gathered to share the experience of honoring Jerry and comforting each other at the same time. We played only his songs that night as shown here and had many special players. Below are my notes about the couple days. John said that in the weeks to follow that night, many people who came thanked him for that special experience.
Posted August 7, 2024
This Wednesday I'm looking back to Wednesday, March 27th, 1991, when Lichen's good friend Bob Carey lent me his Boston Celtics jacket. On April 12, 1991, John and I went to the Garden to see the Celtics play the Heat and I wore the jacket. Well they won...Yay!...and then I wore it again the next week when we played at St. Anselms College outside. I wrote in my notes that it was pretty cold that night. Bob passed away last year, but here he is dancing at O'Donnell's. As I mention at the top of this page, again recently at Lichen's Town Cabin Barnyard gig a young woman came up to speak to me and told me about her and her friends at St A's and how they would come every Wednesday to La Cantina. She had someone take her picture with me to show the girlfriends.
posted July 17, 2024

Remembering Wednesday, November 2nd, 1988...when unbeknowst to us, our dreams will come true on this night as Bill becomes our drummer!! Rogers last gig was Halloween 1988 at Bowdoin College in Maine and Bill took right over on the next Wednesday at La Cantina. Listening to the cassette tape brings me right back there. Raj was doing the sound and it was a quiet night, although I could distinctly hear Marty Jordan's laughter in the audience. As I have been checking out these old setlists I realize we began at La Cantina doing generally acoustic music...interesting. Here's the setlist:
Don't Think Twice It's Allright *
Wild Horses *
Aimee *
Friend of the Devil *
Long Black Veil*
Sugar Magnolia
* banjo
The Weight
Tupelo Honey
Knockin' on Heavens Door
Big River
Simple Twist of Fate
Dark Hollow
Goin' Down the Road Feelin' Bad
The Lee Shore (conga)
One More Cup of Coffee #
Ophelia #
1980 (written by Steve Cook) #
Jack-A-Roe #
It's All Over Now
encore: Can't Find My Way Home
# mandolin
There are a couple people to thank here: Shirley at Belisle Music for turning us on to Bill and John reminded me that Raj was the one who got us the gig at La Cantina that ran weekly for about 20 years!
Posted June 12, 2024
Remember when we played the first gig at La Cantina on Wednesday December 3, 1986? Well at the end of that night, one of our friends lifted a case of beer. We wondered if we would have another gig there.......well we know that answer!
Here is the setlist:
Brown-Eyed Girl
Out on the Weekend
Deep Elem Blues
Can't Find My Way Home
Simple Twist of Fate
Me and my Uncle
The Hobo Song
The Santa Fe>
Right On Time (Lichen originals)
The Weight
Friend of the Devil
Wild Horses
Sailors Hornpipe
Matty Groves
Cumberland Blues
Dark Hollow
Big River
Bird Song
Raised on Robbery
Mississippi Hlf-Step Uptown Toodle-oo
Dream Away
El Paso>
I Know You Rider
Crippled Inside
erncore: Easy Wind
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